When one is sick, or has down time, or is merely coasting from one busy part of life to the other, it is important to note one's achievements, or one will go mental. Here are my achievements, so far as I can tell, from my time being sick:

  1. I read Tim Winton's new book, Breath.
  2. I read a short story book by Anne Enright.
  3. I read almost all of a Meg Rossof young adult fiction book (it is excellent, read it: How I Live Now).
  4. I typed up some notes from the writers' festival like the true nerd I am.
  5. I did a load of washing. Probably my biggest achievement since January.
  6. I watched Withnail and I for the first time in maybe ten years. Still brilliant. Good to know.
  7. I did an experiment to see how little I could tase by attempting to eat raw ginger. I couldn't taste a thing.
  8. I did the same test with garlic and my face almost fell off. Scientific experimentation postponed indefinitely due to objective and justification of experiment being retrospectively quite hard to establish.
  9. I got sick of those noodle soup in a cup things. Yes this is an achievement. Previously, I was trying to refrain from having them for breakfast.
  10. I saved at least three dollars a day by not drinking coffee. Naturally, my ginger and garlic budget soared this month and a cost benefit analysis is forthcoming.

Now, I'm feeling slightly better and am desperate to know about the magic that is antibiotics. How the HELL does that stuff work? In three days I will no longer care, but for the time being, Wikipedia is getting a flogging.


x x x Nice to be better. Hope this finds you the same. x x x