Have you ever noticed that when you're wearing headphones or listening to music in the car, not only do you walk/jiggle/tap to the beat of the music you're listening to, but so does everyone else?

I swear there were two people arguing in a traffic jam today with hand gestures choreographed to very spooky effect to accompany Bright Eyes' Christmas album. It was like watching my own short film on punt road. Performance art has its place.

In other news I have finished watching degrassi and press gang and now i'm reading young adult fiction. It's bloody great. I don't know why I ever moved on.

I'm currently reading Doug McLeod's very, very funny books that make me laugh out loud (and wonder how on earth we got him to agree to work with us), but prior to that I was reading Sonia Hartnett, Meg Rossof, and a book of short stories that came pretty close to giving me nightmares. Kids' books are awesome and I doubt I will ever go back.

Meanwhile, wouldn't a quiet break over Christmas be lovely?

Yeah, right.