Do you ever get disappointed when you find out a word doesn't mean what you hoped it might?

I have a major in English and I thought sartorial had something to do with being witty.

Sartorial: pertaining to a tailor.

Pertaining to a frigging TAILOR?

That is so very disappointing. Not only does it not connote witty or sage comments, which please me, but sartorial turns out to be about FASHION, which displeases me enormously as anybody who has seen me in my "special pants" can attest.

What's more, I thought one could wear a "sartorial expression". One cannot! Not unless it's made of tweed or features a beaded flourish along the seam.

People who are word nerds, like myself, do not often admit ignorance pertaining to words pertaining to anything, least of all a tailor, and so it is that I declare an amnesty on misunderstood words. From now on, I shall declare my ignorance in such matters, as I do in most other matters, on these pages.

Sartorial. It just sounds witty.