Sometimes, when you're researching for some writing, you stumble across some crazy stuff.

Did you know that Bertolt Brecht, the revolutionary dramatist we all struggle to understand in year eleven drama classes, insisted that when he died, a stiletto heel be inserted into his heart?

Did you? Did you know that? Is that one of those things people know?

I did not know that. The doctors were apparently instructed to ensure he was dead, insert a stiletto heel in his heart, encase him in a steel coffin, and bury him.


What a nutter! What a fantastic story! Where are all the plays about Brecht being a nutter who lies somewhere in a steel box with a shoe in his most vital organ?!

I'm very excited. Extra information I wasn't looking for is so tantalising. Problem is, I have nothing to do with it, nowhere for it to go, and yet it is so delicious and begging to be known.

Over the last six months I have discovered the following while trying to find out other things:

1. Paris Hilton is distantly related to somebody called George Mason, best known as one of the "Founding Fathers" of the American Bill of Rights.

2. Paris Hilton is also related to Zsa Zsa Gabor.

3. The Australian anthem used to be the ABC news theme.

4. Paris Hilton's book was on the New York Times Best Seller List. It was written by somebody else.

5. Prince Charles and Prince William never travel together on the same aeroplane.

This last one has nothing to do with any of my research and is just a gratuitous extra fact thrown in because I heard it once.

See? Don't you feel enriched?

Have a lovely weekend and see you Tuesday at the screening of I Could Be Anybody at The Angry Film Festival at First Floor on Brunswick Street starting at 7.30. Obviously if I don't see you there then I will see you twice at our show during April. Huzzah!