This is my second (or third) sporting update in as many days. Unusual.

If this one makes no sense, however, it is because I am concussed.

This afternoon, turning my head back over my shoulder to discover that the tram I was about to catch was rapidly approaching the stop, I accelerated (with great force) into a telephone pole, face first.

It was ludicrously painful. For a while, I held my soaking face (tears were pouring down my face, blood was flooding from my nose) and tried to regain my composure. As far as sporting injuries go, sprinting into a pole in front of a park full of picnicking Young People (Edinburgh Gardens) is really not the most heroic way to bruise.

After my embarassment died down, my fear set in. I've looked up "concussion" on the web, and it says that if one pupil is bigger than the other and you have a headache and feel dizzy and your eyes hurt... you're concussed. Anyway so I looked in the mirror and I have one TEENSY pupil and one MASSIVE pupil that has staged a coup over the rest of my eye.

I'm convinced I'm in extreme danger of expiring overnight from a sporting injury caused by my being late. What a fitting way to go.