Hands up if you did this today:

- Awoke from approximately six minutes' sleep after night of thinking too much about everything.

- Up at 7.15 to iron shirt for big day ahead.

- Accidentally iron self.

- 8.30am meeting with Rita in which attempt to soothe ironed section of arm goes awry when cool silver sugar bowl in cafe (used for cooling down arm) gets warm and has to be rotated to put new cool silver part on burn, at which point sugar spills all over table. Apologies to the lovely Tim and Lilly in Dr Java.

- 9.30am meeting about kids' TV idea.

- Rush home to sleep. Completely fail to even lie down.

- Receive eight billion phone calls and emails. Deal with them. (Check The Age tomorrow for giveaways to our show, by the way!)

- Rush to my old school to do a talk about "having a career in the arts". Hilarious.

- Did I mention it's about 60 degrees in the shade at this point and my old school is on the other side of Punt Road?

- Sprint to the car in order to make it back to rehearsals at 5pm.

- Rehearse until 8pm.

- Walk down to dinner and a meeting. Put up a poster in Brunswick Street. Get attacked by crazy dude ripping poster down and screaming at us. Terrifying. Obviously he doesn't know much posters cost.

- Come home. Work. Sleep. See you tomorrow.


I ate lunch in the car. Oh yeah.

Career in the arts.

You betcha.